Architectural Heritage Center
in Portland, OR

We empower people to discover and preserve Portland’s historic and culturally significant places. We envision that, through our programs and advocacy, people across Portland will embrace preservation and reuse as a key component of creating equitable, livable, and sustainable communities.


'Historic Enlightenment' in Portland Parks

September 2024 | The Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation is nearing the end of a project to replace 250 light poles in 12 city parks, using new poles and lights that substantially replicate the design of predecessors that ranged up to 100 years old.

AHC’s Summer Soiree and the Vision Ahead

September 2024 | The AHC hosted a reception where we introduced our new Executive Director and laid out our vision for the upcoming year. Read our blog for more insights on our goals and aspirations.

Check Out Our New Local Resource Guide

Our Local Resource Guide features local businesses that provide products, services, and information for historic homes and spaces. These businesses are members of the Architectural Heritage Center and support our work.